LED Suppliers

A tender of up to 10 suppliers

What comes before any offer from LEDprojekty is a tender of suppliers that individually present several solutions independent of each other reflecting the client's needs. Having chosen a number of best-suited solutions, we then proceed to make you an actual offer presented as an all-round solution including a case study and a research pointing out the rate of return of your investment.

By clicking the link below you will find a selection of presentations showcasing our LED technology suppliers along with many other videos from all around the world for your inspiration.


Our partners, apart from many others, are shown below.

Theus LED, Poland

TEC-MAR, Italy

ZUMTOBEL (Zumtobel Group), Austria

OSRAM, Germany

MILOO Lighting, Poland

NORKA, Germany

Fumagalli, Italy

Panlux, Czech

GigaTera (KMW), South Korea

VARTON, Russia

Philips, USA

SECOM, Spain

Dialight, USA

VM light, Czech